It is widely believed that entrepreneurship is an engine of nowadays economic and that\nentrepreneurial activities should be supported as much as they can be. As one of their\nsupport way have been recognized business incubation models. Business incubators are\nconsidered as a valuable source of nurture of new entrepreneurial ventures. Especially,\nfresh entrepreneurs are in focus of major support program politics because each start-up is\nvery delicate and risky matter and should be supported by special business development\nservices. It is clear, that it is spoken primarily about small and middle sized enterprise\n(SME) sector that has emerged as the most dynamic and turbulent part of national\neconomics. Therefore, SME entrepreneurial activities are seen as the main source of\neconomic development and global competitiveness. Naturally, SME activities are so in the\ncenter of business incubation focus. However, an essential question should be asked: Does it\nwork? Is the incubation support system well-structured and helpful for entrepreneurship\nactivities? There has been observed a slight tendency to let incubation activities escape by\nsystematic review due to lack of data. To clarify this issue, an observation of chosen\nincubator samples was carried out. The cornerstone of this observation was structured on\nthe existing body of knowledge of the area of business incubation and its relation to\nentrepreneurship. This study uses a two-ways approach: first approach is focused on\ndiscussing gained data from the carried out observations and its comparison to the already\nexisting data. Second approach is focused on demonstrative examples of best practices.